Yet I’m not entirely sure that those who are predisposed to skepticism will hang tight to find out what happens, though it’s wasted effort to give up. What progresses throughout the first five episodes makes all of these happenings a rewarding journey. The future of magic and the fate of the universe are at stake. Long story short, the dynamics of this show descend into anarchy. It’s all consistent with the nature of these characters and what they would have done, had the original show revolved around a higher jackpot of consequences. People don’t like change, but I will say that what change transpires here might seem radical.
#Kevin smith he man netflix full
They justified the very existence of this sequel by keeping the original spirit alive and packing the show so full of heartfelt emotion that a few nerd heads might implode. They realized what parts of the original show worked well, and what needed to happen to pave the way for even better stories. Smith and his writers (Marc Bernardin, Tim Sheridan, Diya Mishra, and Eric Carrasco) climbed inside of this story and, clearly, did so with a lot of love for the original show. I imagine that many, many nights of sleep were lost while weighing courses of action with fondness for the old show and childhood memories in mind. The first episode carries a lot of shock value, and my god, this is a risky proposition. There’s a quasi-Shakespearean powerhouse of a story, accentuated by Mark Hamill dangling from the curtains (and swinging from metaphorical chandeliers) while shredding them as the voice of Skeletor. The Sword of Power goes missing, and there’s deception and rebellion and all manner of drama. Skeletor returns again and clashes with He-Man in a battle that threatens to destroy the very fabric of reality. A lot happens, really fast, and the first episode feels Earth-, or rather, Eternia-shattering. So yes, Revelation is a very direct sequel that’s meant to pick up (with much snazzier-looking animation) almost immediately after the O.G.

And those flaws are both embraced and harnessed to propel the story into further action. And this sequel takes a strong position on how ridiculous The Secret, as well as other parts of the original show, really were. The Secret was actually one of the most absurd and corniest (albeit forthright) parts of the original show. Seems like a lot of those in Adam’s inner circle knew about The Secret, including Orko, Man-At-Arms, Sorceress (duh), possibly Queen Marlena, and (obviously) Cringer/Battle Cat. And she didn’t even know that Adam was He-Man. She was a strong player in the original show, while helping to protect and train Prince Adam as Royal Guard leadership. Because the original series, you know, did have a lot of Teela, too. Netflixīrace yourselves, for I’m here to break some news to you: Revelation does have a lot of Teela.

It’s not a fantastic thing to fend off, but people will get their kicks in any way they can. It’s a situation that’s similar to the fake-review-bombing of Captain Marvel a few years ago. Smith already had to confront rumors that he made The Teela Show because someone (and this is still floating around on social media) wanted to stomp all over what they haven’t even seen. And you’re likely well aware that Kevin Smith is the showrunner who brings this whole sequel thing together. Everyone, even a casual observer of He-Man, as an entity, knows that bit.

You most definitely are familiar with the Mattel toys and know the whole “By the Power of Grayskull” chant. Even if you don’t remember all the particulars of the show (which spun off the She-Ra: Princess of Power series), you know enough to likely have some residual feelings (and fear of a wrecked childhood) if you clicked on this review. Obviously, the show follows up on He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, which originally aired back in 1983. It sounds stressful, honestly! And this Netflix sequel is that kind of (as silly as this sounds, given all the things in this world there are to get worked up about) hot-button project.
#Kevin smith he man netflix series
However, there’s certainly something to be said about having the guts to sequelize a series nearly three decades after the original aired, when one knows that the fandom is so intense that some people will be unhappy no matter how one handles the project. Masters of the Universe: Revelation is none of those things, mercifully enough. Reboots and remakes happen almost as a given these days.